We honor, recognize & mainstream participation of PWD's
Emulate high professional standards, skills and knowledge
Accountable for our Actions and Impacts

About Tambua Utu

TAMBUA UTU foundation is a non-governmental organization that advocates for the rights of people with disabilities (PWD’s). The foundation is seeking to ensure PWD’s rights are equally guaranteed and they are able to access and explore livelihood opportunities and flourish without discrimination. Through improving life by promoting and facilitating access to education, rehabilitation care,  assistive devices/aid, psychosocial support and economic empowerment training for girls and women with disabilities together with their family members.

Our Programs

For over 3 years, the lives of disabled children/kids, girls and women have been transformed. Whereby 120 new wheelchairs distributed, 5 primary & 3 secondary schools reached and over 300 students supported with school supplies, assistive tools like magnifiers, walkers and wheelchairs. 100 braille story books distributed. 50 girls empowered with vocational skills. Over 200 parents/caretakers reached with physiotherapy training for their children and psychosocial support. Our service is on: 1) Inclusive Education 2)Assistive aid and Rehabilitation 3) Gender Equality and Livelihood 4) Family support 5) Inclusive Environmental actions.

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